Monday 20 April 2009


I stumbled across these earlier, and they made me laugh quite hard. They reminded me of someone I used to know......

.....Well come on then hurry up and pick one thats gonna do the job well and truely....



Anonymous said...

Hey Den!
I see she's slagging you off again on her "full of shit" blog again....

Den said...

Ah.... That's fine, I know she has nothing better to do with her life, everything in it is just all fake, and such a scam. We know what she's really like. How sad she really is and all. That's what really matters anon. Thanks for the heads up anyway!

Batgirl said...

It might not be you that she is talking about but someone else on her list of enemies that she has made. I have my other Super hero friends that keep me informed in the fight for the truth- Ha Ha. There is a looooong list of people that she has shit on and have seen her true colors which are her cold heart and her dark black soul.
She says she doesn't care but then spends her time trying to keep tabs on all that you do. The truth always wins in the end.
I know you will have a great day no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Would drinking yourself to death/alcohol poisoning be on that list? That would be my guess

Den said...

Without a doubt Batgirl!

Truth and goodness shall always prevail, especially as long as we know there are the likes of you out there fighting the evil scum of the earth for us!

Den said...

Ooooohhhhh!!! Anon...... Good One!

We know how she enjoys taking those days off work after a good sesh!
Go on, just a couple more, just to put you over the edge!