Some people have got some neck....
This person....

.......really thinks shes something special.
Yeah special enough that she needs locking up before she really hurts someone, or herself for that matter.
She is so malicious and underhand that there is nothing she wont do to get her own way. She manipulates her so called friends so that it looks as if shes so sweet and innocent. Well Ive got news for you she isn't. Shes a TROLL! Plain and simple.
Those of us who have seen this side of her have seen how cruel and spiteful and ignorant she can be.
Take this scenario for instance which is totally true.
She invites someone to stay with her, someone who, yes is a little naive, but that aside is a sweet, caring lady. The troll lets her stay, but all the while she is picking away at her constantly, for this and that, pushing her without cause. Now, this sweet lady has give up her life, her home, her friends, expecting a little support when moving in with the troll. Support when trying to find a job mainly. A few of us tried to warn of the dangers ahead, but as we all know, we don't always listen, when we are embarking on something that is a dream.
Well the troll pushed so much, that the sweet lady ended up leaving, hurt, homeless and dejected.
And what does the troll do? Yep you've guessed it, she starts slagging her off on her blog, as she does when people don't just let her get her own way, as if she hadn't hurt her enough.
Despicable people like this, and all those who stand with her, and do her dirty work for her, should have all the bad luck that is going in the world.
She doesn't even deserve the job that she has working for a big company in J***** C***. If they only knew that biggest part of her sick days were caused because she was too hungover due to the previous nights drinking, I'm sure they would give her job to someone more deserving of it, instead of employing a waster. They'd give it to someone like the sweet lady you've shit on. How would they take it too if they knew she spent most of her day tending to her blog pages, in which she has slagged off, on quite a few occasions, her customers, and work colleagues
Hmmmmmm.......... I wonder.
We all know, that people like this will, given enough rope, hang them selves, and that day will come to you too troll, and yes we will all still be here when that happens, chuckling to ourselves because we saw it coming.
So, until then, keep looking over your shoulder, coz you never know who's watching you.
Oh, PS: sites like this one are public, so how can someone be stalking your page, if you want it to be private then post on a site that only people who you allow, sees the content........ thicko!
I mean I have a troublesome viewer on my blog, I know this, because nearly every time she views my blog, there is a post made on her own blog slagging me off. But hey-ho, let the sad individual have her enjoyment, it just shows how shallow and immature this person really is.